Qustodio Free vs. Qustodio Premium, what’s the difference?
Qustodio gives you everything you need to keep your kids safe online in the way you want. While Qustodio Free provides you with a selection of our features, you will enjoy the highest level of protection for your whole family when you upgrade to Premium.
Qustodio Free vs. Qustodio Premium, what’s the difference?
Qustodio gives you everything you need to keep your kids safe online in the way you want. While Qustodio Free provides you with a selection of our features, you will enjoy the highest level of protection for your whole family when you upgrade to Premium.

Qustodio Premium includes all the features of Qustodio Free, as well as:

Multiple device protection

30-day reports rather than 7-day reports

Games & apps restrictions

Web, app & search alerts

Panic button

Custom routines

YouTube monitoring

Location monitoring and saved places alerts

Calls & messages monitoring

Premium support
Qustodio Premium includes all the features of Qustodio Free, as well as:

Multiple device protection

30-day reports rather than 7-day reports

Games & apps restrictions

Web & app activity alerts

Panic button

Search alerts

YouTube monitoring

Custom routines

Location monitoring and saved places alerts

Calls & messages monitoring

Premium support
Compare Free and Premium
Have a look at the full list of features below to learn more about what’s included based on the plan you choose.


Safe search

Web filtering

Games & apps blocking

Web activity alerts

Blocked website alerts


Daily time limits

Pause the internet

Device blocking routines

Custom app & website routines

Games & apps time limits

7-day activity reports

30-day activity reports

Panic button*

App download alerts

YouTube monitoring

Calls & messages monitoring*

AI-powered search alerts


Location monitoring

Saved places alerts

Premium email support

Care Plus

1 device
Up to 5 devices
Unlimited devices
*Panic button is only available for Android. Calls & messages for iOS requires a Mac computer. Unlimited includes your family devices and does not apply to schools or business.
Compare Free and Premium
Have a look at the full list of features below to learn more about what’s included based on the plan you choose.



Safe search

Web filtering

Games & apps blocking

Web activity alerts

Blocked website alerts


Daily time limits

Restricted times

Pause the internet

Games & apps time limits

7-day activity reports

30-day activity reports

Panic button*

App download alerts

YouTube monitoring

Calls & messages monitoring*

AI-powered search alerts

AI-powered message alerts

Location monitoring

Saved places alerts

Premium email support

Care Plus

*Panic button is only available for Android. Calls & messages for iOS requires a Mac computer. Unlimited includes your family devices and does not apply to schools or business.

Over 6 million parents already use Qustodio
to protect their kids. Ready to join them?

Why choose Qustodio Premium?
When you choose Qustodio Premium, you gain access to some of the most complete device and parental control feature coverage on the market. You’ll have everything you need to protect your kids’ devices and create screen time balance, among many other benefits.

Block games & apps on all devices
With Qustodio Premium, you can set daily time limits for specific apps or block them completely. This means you can prevent gaming addiction and stop your kids from viewing any inappropriate content.

Protect every device
When you upgrade to Qustodio Premium, you can protect multiple devices – unlimited devices with the highest plan. Install Qustodio on smartphones, laptops, tablets, and Kindles to make sure your kids are staying safe whatever platform they’re on.

Locate your family
Use the Family Locator to check where your kids are on the map. You can also save a list of places and receive an alert when your kids leave or arrive at them.

Monitor calls & messages
Upgrade to Premium to see who your child talks to via phone calls and messages, and read what they’re writing. Add a list of specific contacts that you want to block calls to and from.

View 30-day reports rather than just 7-day
With Premium, you can view all your child’s online activity over the past month rather than just the past week. This includes daily screen time totals and averages, as well as much more, all presented clearly in your dashboard.

Premium support
In addition to our extensive help center, Qustodio Premium entitles you to receive email support to assist you with any problems.

Qustodio 高级版为您的数字之旅每一个阶段提供支持
- 优先支持
- 持续跟踪服务
- 个性化帮助
- 提供英语和西班牙语服务
- 游戏和应用屏蔽
- 每日时间限制
- 网络过滤
- 位置监控
- 暂停互联网
- 优先支持
- 持续跟踪服务
- 个性化帮助
- 提供英语和西班牙语服务
- 游戏和应用屏蔽
- 每日时间限制
- 网络过滤
- 位置监控
- 暂停互联网
- 人工智能警报
- 社交监控
- 自定义例程
- APP 洞见
- 游戏和应用时间限制
- 通话和短信监控 *
- 设备数量不限*
* iOS 设备上的通话和短信监控需要使用 Mac 电脑。 不限数量包括您的家庭设备,但不适用于学校或企业设备。