Get Premium for your family

Use code QUST10 to receive 10% off at checkout.


The tools you need for core protection.


same as $4.58/month


same as $5.66/month

Enhance your Premium experience by adding Care Plus, which includes these exclusive features:

  • Priority phone support
  • Ongoing check-ins
  • Personalised help
  • Available in English & Spanish

Basic includes:

  • Games & apps blocking
  • Daily time limits
  • Web filtering
  • Location monitoring
  • Pause internet access
Most popular


Advanced safety features with full customization.


same as $8.33/month

Enhance your Premium experience by adding Care Plus, which includes these exclusive features:

  • Priority phone support
  • Ongoing check-ins
  • Personalised help
  • Available in English & Spanish

Complete includes:

  • Games & apps blocking
  • Daily time limits
  • Web filtering
  • Location monitoring
  • Pause internet access
  • Custom routines
  • AI-powered search alerts
  • Custom alerts
  • Games & apps time limits
  • Calls & messages monitoring*
  • Unlimited devices*
Most popular


Advanced safety features with full customization.


same as $8.33/month

Enhance your Premium experience by adding Care Plus, which includes these exclusive features:

  • Priority phone support
  • Ongoing check-ins
  • Personalised help
  • Available in English & Spanish

Complete includes:

  • Games & apps blocking
  • Daily time limits
  • Web filtering
  • Location monitoring
  • Pause internet access
  • Custom routines
  • AI-powered search alerts
  • Custom alerts
  • Games & apps time limits
  • Calls & messages monitoring*
  • Unlimited devices*


The tools you need for core protection.


same as $4.58/month


same as $5.66/month

Enhance your Premium experience by adding Care Plus, which includes these exclusive features:

  • Priority phone support
  • Ongoing check-ins
  • Personalised help
  • Available in English & Spanish

Basic includes:

  • Games & apps blocking
  • Daily time limits
  • Web filtering
  • Location monitoring
  • Pause internet access

* Calls & messages for iOS requires a Windows or Mac computer. Unlimited includes your family devices and does not apply to schools or businesses.

Available for:

Keep your child healthy and focused with Qustodio

Manage usage allowance

Easily limit or monitor how long a user can spend on a device or on the Internet.

Define a usage schedule

Encourage your child to see life beyond the screen by limiting their access to certain days or times of day.

Limit app usage

Set time limits for each application that your child uses.

Device lock type

Choose what happens when your child reaches their device access limit.

Balance screen time to protect your family from screen addiction

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