We keep your child’s digital activity balanced and safe
Screens are here to stay. With children using devices at increasingly younger ages, having the right tools to help your kids develop healthy digital habits is more important than ever.
Screens are here to stay. With children using devices at increasingly younger ages, having the right tools to help your kids develop healthy digital habits is more important than ever.
The first fully
digital generation
The percentage of kids who have their own smartphones is on the rise.

Source: Stanford Medicine, 2022
More time online exposes kids to more risks
We know that every child faces different risks when it comes to their digital lives.
We have the tools to help in every situation.
More time online exposes kids to more risks
We know that every child faces different risks when it comes to their digital lives.
We have the tools to help in every situation.
51% of teens use social media. Qustodio helps you ensure they don’t share personal information or exchange inappropriate messages with strangers.
42% of kids have seen porn online. Use Qustodio to monitor YouTube viewing, filter browser results, and block adult websites to reduce the chances your child sees upsetting images or content.
50% of online exploitation victims are between the ages of 12 and 15. Qustodio’s advice articles help you talk to your children about how to spot and avoid data thieves, groomers, sexual predators, and stalkers.
50% of online exploitation victims are between the ages of 12 and 15. Qustodio’s advice articles help you talk to your children about how to spot and avoid data thieves, groomers, sexual predators, and stalkers.
51% of teens use social media. Qustodio helps you ensure they don’t share personal information or exchange inappropriate messages with strangers.
73% of high school students don’t get enough sleep. This can lead to difficulty learning, poor moods, and interpersonal conflicts. Use Qustodio to set downtimes before bed, so your kids can avoid sleep-disrupting blue light.
33% of kids have experienced cyberbullying. Use Qustodio to monitor texts so you can catch and block bullies.
42% of kids have seen porn online. Use Qustodio to monitor YouTube viewing, filter browser results, and block adult websites to reduce the chances your child sees upsetting images or content.
50% of kids admit to being addicted to their smartphones. Qustodio lets you set consistent time limits on your child’s devices and block apps that they use excessively.
50% of kids admit to being addicted to their smartphones. Qustodio lets you set consistent time limits on your child’s devices and block apps that they use excessively.
Screen time is on the rise
5 to 8 years
9 to 12 years
13 to 18 years
*Source: Common Sense Media and Qustodio
Manage your child’s screen time by setting daily limits for their devices as well as for specific apps. Protect screen-free moments such as mealtimes and bedtimes.
Customize your settings to help your kids get the most out their education. Block certain apps and websites during school and homework hours, and allow the ones they need to complete their tasks.
Set up smart website filters, block apps and games, monitor YouTube and Facebook use, track location, and more.
Manage your child’s screen time by setting daily limits for their devices as well as for specific apps. Protect screen-free moments such as mealtimes and bedtimes.
Revisa la actividad digital de tus hijos en tiempo real para ver con quién hablan y a qué tipo de contenidos acceden. Obtén informes detallados por correo electrónico y recibe alertas cuando alcancen los límites o si necesitan ayuda. Configura notificaciones para supervisar si han recibido o enviado algún mensaje preocupante, ya sea a través de los SMS, WhatsApp, Instagram o Line.
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