Revisiting boundaries: 3 steps to revising your child’s screen time rules

Father with daughter discussing screen time rules


Parenting is a process of making the best decisions we can with what we know at the time, and then revising those decisions when we see negative results or get new information. Very little is black and white in the realm of raising children, and screen time is no exception. While allowing children access to screens can provide educational value, social connection, and entertainment, it can also easily spiral into excessive use that affects our children’s health and well-being

When screen time gets too much

If you notice that your child’s screen time has gotten out of hand, you may feel the need to tighten the reins. However, revising screen time rules (especially if you’ve been more lenient) can lead to resistance, emotional reactions, and pushback. If you’re feeling like giving up and just allowing the status quo to continue, I want to encourage you to forge ahead with making changes to the screen time rules and boundaries in your home. The key is understanding how to implement these changes effectively while supporting your child through the process. It’s never too late to set new expectations to support your child’s wellbeing when it comes to devices.

In this article, we’ll explore strategies for you to walk back more lenient screen time rules, address frustrations and complaints at different developmental stages, and help your kids process their emotions. By doing so, you’ll create healthier boundaries around screen time without creating unnecessary conflict.

Step 1: Acknowledge their emotions

Before you implement any changes, it’s essential to prepare yourself for emotional reactions from your child. The idea of suddenly losing access to devices or seeing their screen time reduced can bring up feelings of frustration, confusion, resentment, and even anger. These emotional responses are normal, and as parents, we need to be empathetic and supportive as we make changes to the rules. When you’re mentally and emotionally prepared for your child’s resistance, it helps you stay steady and follow through. 

When your child expresses resistance, acknowledge their feelings first. For example, if your child says, “This isn’t fair! You can’t just change the rules!” you could respond with something like, “I understand that this feels unfair, and it’s frustrating when things change. I know you enjoy your screen time, but I also care about your health and wellbeing, and that’s why we need to make some adjustments.” Tell them what you’re seeing in them, or new information you’ve learned, that’s leading to the changes. They need to know the “why”, even though they probably won’t agree.

The goal is to allow space for your child to feel heard while also reinforcing the reason behind the rule changes. By doing this, you reduce the likelihood of their emotional reactions spiraling into more conflict.


father and son discussing screen time rules


Step 2: Implement age-appropriate adjustments and address objections

Once you’ve broached the topic and allowed your child to express their emotions, you want to consider how to revise screen time rules at different ages. While the basic approach remains the same – be clear about your goals and give them a sense of autonomy – different age kids will present unique objections and responses to the new boundaries.

Toddlers and young children (ages 2-5)

At this age, children’s screen time should be limited, but they may not yet fully understand the concept of restrictions. If screen time has been a regular part of their routine, you may find that they object when it’s suddenly reduced. A common objection might sound like, “I don’t want to stop watching!” or “I want the iPad!

How to respond: Keep the explanation short and simple. “We’re going to play for a little while, and then it’s time to do something else. You can use the tablet after we finish reading a story, but after that it’s time to play outside.” Offering a choice between two activities (both of which are acceptable to you) can empower your child to feel in control. For example, “You can play outside or do a puzzle, and we’ll have another screen time session tomorrow.

It’s important to be consistent with the rules and not give in to emotional outbursts. If your child cries or throws a tantrum, remain calm and supportive but stick to your limits. You can empathize by saying something like, “I know you’re upset. It’s hard when we have to stop something fun, but we’re going to do something else now.”

School-aged children (ages 6-12)

Once kids enter school they develop a sense of independence, and screen time may become more tied to their social world. They like connecting with friends online or watching shows and discussing them with their peers. When you start to restrict their screen time they may argue, “But all my friends are playing that game!” or “I need to watch the new episode of my favorite show tonight!

How to respond: Validate their feelings by acknowledging the importance of friends and interests. “I get that your friends are playing that game and watching that show, and it’s hard to miss out. But you can still spend time with your friends tomorrow. Right now we’re taking a break from screens.

Offering an alternative activity can also help make the transition easier. For instance, “I know you love gaming, so we’ll take a break now, but after dinner we can play a family board game together.” Offering engaging non-screen-based options encourages your child to see other activities as fun, not as a punishment.

You can also let your child know that the boundaries are a trial and part of a healthy routine. “I know it’s tough to limit screen time, but we’re trying it for this week to see how we feel. We’ll talk again next week to see how we’re doing.” This helps them know that you’re open to revisiting rules over time depending on how well things are going for them and the family.

Teens (ages 13+)

Teenagers are often the most resistant to changes in screen time boundaries, especially if they feel like it’s infringing on their independence. When you try to reduce their screen time a common objection might be, “You’re treating me like a little kid!” or “You don’t understand how important this is to me!

How to respond: This is where open, honest communication is key. Instead of simply laying down the law, explain your reasoning and invite your teen to join in the conversation. “I understand that you’re older and you’re more responsible with your screen time. However, I’m concerned about how much time you’re spending on your devices. It’s affecting your sleep, your mood, and how much time you’re spending with your friends and family.”

Use these discussions to help your teen identify areas where they can self-regulate. For example, “How do you feel about using your phone only during certain times of the day? Maybe you could start by putting it away during family dinner or an hour before bed so we can all unwind.”

Another way to approach this is to give your teen some input on the rules. “I know you value your social connections, so let’s work together to set some limits. How much screen time do you think is fair, and when would you be willing to turn off your devices for other activities?”

If your teen argues that they have too much schoolwork or extracurricular commitments, remind them of the need for balance. “I know you’re busy with school and activities. That’s why we’re limiting screen time to give you more space to focus on those things, while also allowing you to relax without distractions.”

No matter your child’s age, the key here is to expect they will be unhappy with the changes. They do not have to fully understand or agree with your insight and decisions for you to move forward with changes. Check out this article for additional tips on how to communicate with your kids about ending screen time.

Step 3: Stay consistent and provide positive reinforcement

One of the biggest challenges parents face when revising screen time rules is sticking to the new boundaries. It’s easy to cave in and go back to old habits – especially when their emotions are running high. Consistency is essential, no matter how much they push back. When you make the rules clear and stick to them, your child will eventually adapt. Extreme dysregulation when limiting devices is a major sign that you need to forge ahead, as they have likely developed an unhealthy reliance on their devices and digital media.

It’s also helpful to offer positive reinforcement when your child complies with the new boundaries. For example, you could say, “I’m really proud of how you handled your screen time today. I love how you spent time with your friends outside!Reinforcing positive behavior strengthens your child’s ability to make good choices on their own. Pointing out the positives you see in areas like being more focused on school work, falling asleep more easily at night, or just generally being more pleasant also helps them connect the dots between the changes in device rules and how they’re feeling and functioning.

Know you’re doing the right thing

Revising your child’s screen time boundaries is never easy, especially when you’re walking back rules that have been in place for a while. Children will express frustration, resistance, or even resentment. By acknowledging their emotions, maintaining open communication, and implementing age-appropriate strategies, you can guide them toward healthier screen time habits. 

Remember that this process is about creating balance, not punishment. Help yourself manage new expectations and rules by using a parental control option like Qustodio to set time limits, restrict inappropriate content, and more. With consistency in applying the rules, your child will learn to manage their screen time in a way that supports their overall wellbeing.

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